
Launch of the 2016-2017 academic year!
This year, Luc De Meyer, Director of IHECS welcome the Ihecsians by focussing his speech on the importance of the applied and active pedagogy that characterises our establishment.
A busy start to the academic year for the International Office
September is always an intense period at the International Exchanges office. Between the departures of Ihecsians and the arrival of international students, IHECS was also visited by its partner universities.
Prix et concours
Marie Tihon awarded at the festival Visa for images
On 30 August this year, Marie Tihon, IHECS (PI) graduate from 2015, was awarded with the jury's and the public's prizes for the prix Mentor for her photo report "Tehran: the faces of independence"
Journalisme et médias
IHECS Corner: reports by our budding journalists on La Trois (RTBF)
Travel through six investigations that are just as original as they are passionate produced by the final year students of journalism at IHECS.
‘Brexit’, a symptom of poor EU communication
More than even, the future of Europe depends, amongst others, on the way Europe communicates.
The international scene is thriving!
With more and more students leaving for abroad, not less than 100 students welcomed this year and more and more collaborations, IHECS has become, over the years, a select partner on the international level.
Taylor Swift, David Bowie Jimi Hendrix's flaming guitar
Among the invited experts in the scope of the international programme of IHECS, the producer Francis Whately (BBC), crossed the Channel to present one of his video productions devoted to the role of PR in the music industry.
Entrepreneurial journalism
IHECS creates its own crowdfunding platform
Publicité et marketing
University Netexplo Academy: fruit of a partnership with our advertising students
For the third year in a row, Master 1 Advertising students collaborated with the Netexplo network, a observatory for digital innovations that identifies the most promising emerging projects throughout the world.
Tunisia: the TAP agency's 55th anniversary
For its 55th anniversary, the TAP agency (Tunis Afrique Presse) is holding an international conference. Camille Laville, President of the Press and Information Section of IHECS, has been invited there as a press agency research specialist.