Become an ambassador for the Erasmus + programme!

Did you love your Erasmus experience ? Would you like to share your experience and continue creating memories around the world? Apply to become an Erasmus+ Ambassador!

The French-speaking Agency for Education and Training in Europe (AEF-Europe) is launching a call for applications to form a team of ambassadors for the Erasmus + programme! For two years, you will have the opportunity to promote the programme in Belgium and around the world!
For this first edition, 20 ambassadors will be selected. Once chosen, their missions will be to stimulate commitment to the Erasmus + programme through a variety of activities.

In particular, they will have to:

• Share their experience during their Erasmus stay on social networks, via the media or in podcasts.

• Participate in local and international meetings and events related to the Erasmus + programme

• And engage in many other missions to be found on the AEF website

In addition to all this, the ambassadors will have the opportunity to participate in several international events, including the Erasmus Days! At the end of these two years rich in experiences, the ambassadors will receive a certification, attesting to their commitment to the Erasmus+ programme! 

How to apply?

Nothing could be simpler! In order to proceed with the selection, the Agency will take into account different criteria such as the student's motivation to become an ambassador, their personal experience and their availability. Once selected, the student will be notified and will have to commit for a period of 2 years as an ambassador.

Interested? Apply directly on the AEF Europe website! 

The Erasmus + programme at IHECS

Every year, IHECS offers the opportunity to nearly 200 students to participate in an Erasmus exchange to the four corners of the world thanks to the Erasmus + programme. This immersive experience in a foreign country allows everyone to develop many skills on both a personal and professional level.