Become an Erasmus student's buddy in the first semester!

IHECS welcomes around sixty Erasmus students from all around the world for the first semester. Would you like to help them integrate into the IHECS community?

IHECS welcomes around sixty Erasmus students from all around the world for the first semester. Would you like to help them integrate into the IHECS community?

In order to help them discover Brussels and Belgian culture as best they can and to immerse themselves in the Brussels student world, the international office is opening applications for IHECS students who wish to accompany an Erasmus student throughout their stay.

What’s involved?

In concrete terms, a buddy wears several hats. He or she is generally one of the first people the Erasmus student will deal with upon arrival in Belgium.

He or she is ideally present to welcome the student upon arrival in Brussels, answers practical questions and offers support concerning the functioning of IHECS (the various platforms, equipment rental and control room reservation, etc.)

The buddy is also there to help the visiting student integrate as best as possible into student life in Brussels.


A winning combination, no matter how you look at it

Thanks to their buddy, Erasmus students will feel more comfortable considering a stay within IHECS and will have a point of reference throughout the semester.

The buddy, for his or her part, will be able to develop intercultural skills, share his or her network and proudly represent IHECS as well as Brussels.

It will be a great opportunity for both to develop and strengthen bonds of friendship.


A little taste of Erasmus?

If you have already participated in the Erasmus programme, you have probably already felt that typical nostalgia after your return. Being a buddy is an opportunity for you to stay in the Erasmus state of mind, while meeting new people of all nationalities.

If, on the contrary, you have not yet gone on Erasmus but you intend to, this will allow you to immerse yourself interculturally and have a clearer idea of ​​all the positive aspects that such an experience brings.

For those who will be on Erasmus during this autumn semester, don't worry, a second selection of buddies will be made for the second semester.


Did you know?

If you are going to welcome your Erasmus student at the airport or train station upon their arrival in Belgium, the international office will reimburse your return train or bus ticket!

Convinced? Fill out the form here before 25 August, 2024

For any questions or additional information, please contact Zoé Moranduzzo by email: