Thierry Maroit and Laurent Poma on assignment in Denmark!

At the end of May, Thierry Maroit and Laurent Poma are returning to the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DJMX) as part of a mission to reinforce collaboration between the two institutions.

Historically, IHECS and DMJX have been partners and collaborators for many years. Indeed, the institution represents one of our oldest international collaborations. It is also a centre of European excellence in the field of photojournalism and documentary photography.

Our two photography teachers made the visit in order to meet the local educational team and strengthen the collaborative ties that unite the two institutes. Each year, out of the ten international candidates selected by the DMJX, one or two IHECS students participate in the specialised and renowned teaching programme organised in Aarhus as part of the Erasmus mobility programme. Laurent Poma and Thierry Maroit were thus able to meet Yu-Jin Albrecht and Marie Ruwet, the two master 2 PI students selected this year, finalising the editing of their report with Søren Pagter, professor of photography. It is also with the latter that our team of photographers was able to consider original and very promising collaborations for the near future.

Furthermore, the DMJX recently moved into a magnificent new building. This was an opportunity for our two colleagues to draw inspiration from the quality of the architectural and educational resources implemented in order to apply them as part of the IHECS installation at Blue Point, in Reyers.

Observation mission supported by an Erasmus grant.