Theory & media practice

Academic, applied, professional, social and creative... IHECS draws its strength and its originality from a teaching which reunites solid theoretical training and media practice.

In addition to an employability placement, students participate in numerous activities and professional vocational projects (productions workshops, masterclasses, productions and media memory) which immerse them in conditions which are almost identical to the real world.

The project’s educational methods and application is made possible owing to cooperation and structural and economic partnerships maintained with numerous players not only from the world of the media, but also from other trade and non-trade sectors.

To help the student to form an original and solid identity, we look to:

  • Maintain a solid presence of professionals in the teaching body (around 50%), in the jurys, and their involvement in the preparation and constant updating of programs;
  • See that media works (including practical memory) closely accompany the profession and professional techniques;
  • Maintain a contact network with companies, groups, associations, public powers and the organisation of professional meetings (seminars, symposiums, workshops, and open days...);
  • Develop educational methods for integration favouring group dynamics (examples: numerous group workshops and socalled « networking » teaching units);
  • Emphasise creativity, imagination, personality affirmation, briefs for potential and everyone’s potentialities.

Profile of the IHECS graduate

This teaching approach enables us to train communicators who are set apart:

  • By their creativity as regards applied communication;
  • By their power to adapt to circumstances and to work situations;
  • By their ability to work in a team;
  • By their dynamism and their entrepreneurial attitude.