Projects in Europe
Erasmus+, mobility of individuals between countries in Europe. IHECS organises exchanges of students and staff members with the majority of countries in Europe: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom.
coLAB – a laboratory for new forms of collaboration (2018-2019, Council of Europe, coordinator)
Throughout Europe, the migrant crisis is having an impact on the ways in which we live and think about society. The inclusion of refugees has become a priority that needs to be addressed. The coLAB project aims to enshrine this principle of inclusion in the practices of four European higher education institutions and universities … by inviting refugee experts to become involved in teaching activities, the participating institutions promote multicultural knowledge sharing. The project brings together partners from London (United Kingdom), Rome (Italy), Clermont-Ferrand (France) and Brussels. This project is co-funded by the Council of Europe and the European Union.
For more information, please contact: Sophie Henrard -
S.ED.IN (2017-2019, Erasmus +, partner)
Creative Methods for Successful Inclusion in Multicultural Schools
Traditional cognitive teaching models fail to meet the needs of children in a multicultural context, especially refugee children. The project aims to introduce alternative methods to the traditional academic environment ...
that cultivate children's imaginations, promote the emotional aspects of learning and value cultural competence and non-verbal communication. The project aims to explore the impact of integrating two methods in particular: the Montessori method (its principles and some of its tools) and creative learning, the latter aimed at developing the imagination and informal interaction of children through the use of theatrical techniques in the classroom to achieve cognitive results.
The project is coordinated by Action Synergy, located in Athens, Greece, and has partners in Belgium (IHECS), Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Turkey.
For more information, please contact: /
This project is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.
IAME – International Association for Media Education (since 2017, IHECS, coordinator)
Created in 2017 at the initiative of IHECS, this international non-profit association launched its first activities in 2018. An affiliate campaign is under way.
It connects, as founding members, the main networks specialising in media literacy in France, Italy, Romania and Germany.
These main objectives are:
- to educate all the actors and public entities involved with media literacy
- to promote understanding and broaden support for the needs of citizens in terms of media literacy
- to share and exchange resources, skills and knowledge among its members, but also with stakeholders
- to encourage reflection and research, in particular by participating in European and international projects and studies relating to media literacy
- to participate in relevant projects, networks, conferences and policy meetings supporting the practice of media literacy in regional, national and global policies
- to promote the collective interests of its members towards policy makers, institutions and private partners
An inaugural summer school will be organised in July 2018 in LUCCA (Italy)
Partners: Institut des hautes études en communication sociale - IHECS ASBL (Belgium) ; Associazione italiana per l’Educazione ai Media e alla Comunicazione – MED (Italy); Centre d’étude pour les jeunes et les médias (France) ; Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur – GMK (Germany) ; Média Animation (Belgium); Associata Mediawise Society (Romania)
Link to the project:
For more information, please contact:
On Our Watch (2016-2019, and European Youth Forum, partner)
The environment, energy, addressing inequalities ... The On Our Watch project aims to analyse the work done in the European Parliament since the last elections in May 2014 on a set of key issues raised by the candidates during the campaign.
Beyond the simple objections relating to the vote, On Our Watch aims to highlight the debates held on each issue and to use these analyses as a basis for discussion and dialogue with citizens.
The On Our Watch project brings together civil society organisations, each of which helps to inform citizens about the issues relating to its expertise. IHECS students complete the fact sheets with articles analysing themes of their choice.
A hackathon bringing together activists, coders and journalists was organised in the spring of 2017 to develop information tools on the profile of MEPs.
Other events are planned before the elections in 2019.
Link to the project:
The project is co-funded by and the European Youth Forum.
For more information, please contact:
INsPIrE (2016-2018 – Erasmus+, coordinator)
Innovative educational and media practices for an inclusive and participatory Europe – Bridging the gap between university and non-formal education
The INsPIrE project aims to explore new participatory media practices for pluralistic information produced not "on" but "with" citizens.
In six European cities (Brussels, Barcelona, Cluj-Napoca, London, Mechelen and Tübingen), higher education institutions and universities are forming partnerships with non-formal educational programmes and civil society organisations. By organising joint courses in journalism and art, they involve young people who are generally under-represented in traditional media in collaboration with journalism students.
This project is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.
Link to the project:
For more information, please contact:
e-Media Education Lab (2014-2017, Erasmus+, partner)
An innovative online resource centre for teacher trainers in media literacy. For three years, between September 2014 and June 2017, the European e-MEL project has helped to enhance the media literacy skills of teachers ...
and achieved the following results:
- A European Competence Framework that maps skills in media literacy and media literacy for teachers across Europe for teachers across Europe;
- A catalogue of 10 training scenario descriptions that explore the media environment;
- Experimentation with 10 training scenarios (in English) combining face-to-face training sessions and online training sessions with more than 350 trainers and future teachers;
- The development of an e-Lab for media literacy trainers to enable them to implement and test innovative training strategies;
- Project dissemination events in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Finland and the United Kingdom) which aim to promote this online training tool and to educate trainers on the current issues relating to media literacy.
Partners: Media Animation asbl (Belgium); Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales – IHECS (Master en éducation aux médias) (Belgium) ; University of Tampere - Tampereen Yliopisto – UTA (Finland); Centre de Liaison de l’Enseignement et des Médias d’Information – CLEMI (France) ; Università degli Studi Firenze – UNIFI (Italy); Universidade do Minho (Portugal); UCL – Institute of Education (United Kingdom).
Project co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme (Strategic partnerships).
Link to the project:
For more information, please contact:
IHECS has signed an agreement with GERMAN RADIO STATION KIEZ FM in order to participate in the transnational project launched by Kiez.FM and Radio Campus France (Tourcoing), "De quartier à quartier" ("From neighbourhood to neighbourhood"):
Every year, students from the German school BITS (Iserlohn, Hamburg and Berlin) come to Brussels to learn about the European Union. They take a journalism course at IHECS Academy. Two one-week courses are organised during the academic year.
Contact person: