‘Brexit’, a symptom of poor EU communication

More than even, the future of Europe depends, amongst others, on the way Europe communicates.

On 23 June this year, to the surprise of everyone, Britain opted to leave the European Union. A result which, for the large part, can be put down to a lack of knowledge by citizens of the way European institutions work and also   the media.  Everything works to the benefit of those whose only ambition is the end of the European project.  

More than ever the future of Europe depends, amongst others,  on the way in which Europe communicates today about its reality, its strengths and its weaknesses, its development strategy and its way of thinking about solidarity and social justice for  future generations. On the one  hand it is necessary to place  once again debates on ideas and projects at the heart of European action. This does not mean opposing a dyed  in  the wool europhile with nationalist resurgences, nor selling Europe, but showing that it is a political project that is constantly developing.  

On the other   hand, it is urgent to give European citizens an insight into the European functioning and stakes so that they can make their voices heard there. New technologies have renewed the world of public and political communication. Used in a strategic way, their participative potential and their broadcasting strength can allow the challenge of European public communication to be met.

This concern is at the centre of our  Executive Master  in communication and European policies. The programme brings together teaching that is both theoretical and practical concentrating on the institutional functioning on the one hand and strategic communication tools on the other. The meeting of the academic and professional worlds is a vector for reflection, action and innovation for strong and accurate European communication.

This training course has been labelled by the  Jean Monnet ERASMUS+ programme which aims to promote excellence in teaching and research in the European Union.

Do you want to find out more ? Don't hesitate to consult our  website. (Registration is open until 15 September 2016.)