A new chapter in the history of IHECS!

We are pleased to announce that IHECS has just signed a sales agreement for the "BluePoint" building, located at Boulevard Reyers 80 in Schaerbeek.

This investment marks a turning point for IHECS, which for several years has felt the need to expand and own premises better suited to its educational ambitions. Until now occupying four buildings in the centre of Brussels, IHECS welcomes 3,000 students, has 240 staff members and organises 10 Masters in the fields of communication and journalism. The vast spaces of Bluepoint, totalling 19,000 m² above ground and 11,000 m² below ground, will offer the IHECS community more comfort and development possibilities.

"It also makes it possible to bring together all of the institution's stakeholders on a single site and therefore possiblew to create more of a 'community'," says Jean-François Raskin, General Manager of IHECS.

With this new acquisition, IHECS also wishes to bolster its position as a major player in the development of communication and media professions, while enhancing proximity to key players in the sector in Brussels.

"This move, scheduled for September 2026, is the culmination of a 10-year process that will ultimately allow IHECS to develop its teaching methods, " confides Jean-François Raskin. "Furthermore, the choice of BluePoint as the new hub for IHECS is not a coincidence. Its proximity to the future Media Park, a project aimed at bringing together key players in the media and communications sectors, makes it an ideal location for the future of our institution. IHECS is above all an institute that trains students in the fields of communication and journalism. We have a pressing need to be in constant contact with professionals and businesses. This is our DNA," he concludes.