Hosting five foreign trainees
Originally from Congo or Burkina Faso, Yvonne, Halizata, Christian, Yves and Moussa are all professionals and specialists in communication and journalism.
Thanks to funding from the ARES "college traineeship grants", they had the opportunity to attend IHECS courses for one semester in order to discover a new way of practising communication.
During this traineeship, our guests were able to observe our practices in the field of communication and journalism, which enabled them to glean a different perspective on the profession and to discover new tools and programmes in collaboration with our students. They particularly appreciated the accessibility of the teachers and their professionalism.
Accompanied by Johann Delferière, Professor of Sound, Yvonne and Moussa also produced a radio programme with Hector, a student on the IHECSolidaire programme. "Rencontre et Savoir – étudiants ARES" ("Meeting and learning – ARES students") explains the ARES "college traineeship grants" programme in which ARES has been participating for two years.
This experience is ultimately positive for the trainees, our students and our institution.
Organisation for the hosting of the next five trainees is already underway!