The various types of exchange


Since 2004, higher education students – and therefore those of IHECS – have been able to pursue some of their studies at a recognised institution in another Belgian community.

In addition to experiencing a linguistic immersion in another Belgian city, it represents an opportunity to discover a new environment and learn to appreciate a culture that is sometimes different.

Launched by the Fondation Prince Philippe, the ERASMUS BELGICA programme supports and encourages the mobility of higher education students within the communities of Belgium. The result of a partnership between the French community, the Flemish community and the German-speaking community, this programme adheres to the same objectives and follows the same principles as the Erasmus+ Programme.


The mobility for study component of the Erasmus+ programme offers financial support to students who are studying at a partner institution in Europe.

The objectives are:

  • to enable students to acquire new academic, paedagogical, linguistic and cultural experiences in other European countries and in the field of their university studies;
  • to contribute to the enrichment of society in general by enabling a group of qualified young people with open minds and international experience to be better prepared for their future professional life;
  • to promote cooperation between institutions.

All our Erasmus projects are co-funded by the European Union.

Outside Europe

Since 2008, IHECS has developed mobility partnerships outside Europe. Thanks to internal funds at IHECS, via the Mercury programme but also thanks to Fonds d’Aide à la Mobilité de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Fonds FAMES), IHECS offers an increasingly wide range of opportunities throughout the world. These exchanges follow the same principles and objectives as the Erasmus+ mobility programmes.